The most important information about tennis player Roger Federer is one of the best tennis players

The most important information about tennis player Roger Federer is one of the best tennis players

A player of a player, who is one of the greatest player in history, he has 18 names in the Grand Slam Grand Slam for individual men.

Roger Federer's biography

Roger Federer, a professional player. 

He was one of the best emerging players in Switzerland when he was 11 years old, until he started his career as a

 professional player in 1998, and his winning in the 2003 final and Wimbledon became the first Swiss man to take the title at the Grand Slam to individual men.

He took control of the World of Sotball by exporting the first Center in World Classification in 2004 and 2008, and again in 2009, 2010 and 2012, and has 18 domes in 

the Grand Slam Champs for individual men, with a new global record record, with a new global record, with a new global record, with a number of 14.

Roger Federer's beginnings

Roger Federer was born on the eighth of August 1981 in Basel, Switzerland.

His father Robert Federer, his mother, Lent de Rand, who belongs to South Africa, met with the parents of Federer on a business trip to a state of the community, where they were both working.

Federer has shown a clear interest in sport at an early age, where he played the playball and football at the age of 8.

When he was 11 years old, he was one of the three best-emerging players in Switzerland for the Battle ball.

Federer decided at the age of 18 to abandon all matches and focused on the sophoball sport, he had made his decision after he realized that he was talented to be in this mathemy specifically.

With the age of 10, the ball of the bat had become an integral part of his life, where he was participating in two or three months, with his training for six hours 

a day, as well as three hours of warming. Switzerland's national hero is being the Chancellor and was chosen to train at the Swiss National Shotball Centre in Ekulpens.

Federer was impressed by many heroes such as Boris Baker, and Steven Edberg, took a potion and and used to tradition to improve its performance as much as possible.

At the age of 14, he joined the International Federation of Assurans (ITF) in July 1996, and received its first commercial care at the age of 18.

In 1998, a short time before the start of his career, Federer won the Wemblton Championship for the Renders, as well as the Orange Bowl, for being classified by the International Federation of Horricane, the world world world champion of that year.

Roger Federer's personal life

In 2009, Federer married the former professional player, Mirka Favernic, and in a winner of the same year, they were held with twins of girls called Mila and Charlelin. In the afternoon of 2014, he was rendered with a good time, this time of the children, and he was named Liu and Lily. 

Federer lives with his family in Butmingin, Switzerland. In 2003, the Roger Federer Foundation was established to assist poor cities with more than 15 percent mortality rates, in addition to providing education and 

sports stimulus. As for Roger Federer's religion, beliefs and indigenous community, he was born to a Catholic Christian family.

Facts about Roger Federer

In order to get himself a profession in the sophor sport, he had to give up education and he was at the age of 18. He was a plant up to his fourteenth year, but he was impressed 

with animal food, and he's now taking all his best. His wealth is estimated at about $230 million and is one of the ricultry sports figures at all.

Roger Federer's achievements

Later in 1998, Federer won the Wimblton Championship for my individual and my husband, to start his career in the professional world.

In 2001, Federer raised a great noise after being defeated by the American title of the Sampas, in the fourth circuit.

In 2003, after a mythic sports season on the field, Federer became the first Swiss man to win the title of Grand Slam, a crushing victory in Wimblon.

With the beginning of 2004, Federer ranked the second world, and in the same year he won both the Australia Open Championship, the United States Open-ended United States Championing, the Master 1,000 points (ATP Masters), and won the title at

 the Wimblton Championing of the individual men; its first ranking world with the beginning of 2005, and the World's World World World's Beautautauts (which is the third-year winning of the United States.

Federer maintained its first global class from 2004 to 2008. In 2006 and 2007, he won the category of men, in both the Australia Open Championship, Wimblton, as well as the United States Union Championing.

The distinguished Sportman Award for the Laureus World Award as the best athlete in the year "the Laureus World Sportsman of the Year" four times in a row from 2005 to 2008, thus becoming an example of successful athathletes.

In 2008, Federer defeated Scottish games and Andy Morey, at the United States Open-American American American League, which is his fifth win in that tournament.

 However, 2008 was a difficult for Federer professional: he lost twice in front of his competitor Rafael Nadal at both the France Open Championship and the Wimblton Championing, and he had lost again to

 the Serb-young Novak Dukovich, at the 2008 Australian Open Championship, thus becoming universal, his triangular classification must be a world.

The year 2009 was a special year in the Swiss Swiss, where Robin Suderling defeated the victory of the French open-ended tournament, thus he won the four major champions, that he had been entitled to the "career Grand Slam," and he was 

the fair of the record number of winning times in the Grand Slam" to the individual men, who had already been registered by the American player, and he was in 

the number of winning of the World's, and he's in the number of the 15-year's. With a new record, exceeding the number of his predecessor Sambers.

Federer also arrived at the finals of two other important game, not he lost in the two.

The first loss was in the Australian tournament open to Nadal and was five groups, but the second was at the American tournament open to Argentine Juan Martin Del Puerto.

However, the special played in 2009, the special played in 2009 put it again at the forefront of the world classification.

The star of Federer again in 2012, when defeated Andy Moray, at the Wembledon Championship for the individual men, won his seventh winning during his career.

That victory helped the 30-year-old player back to the first place in world, and at the end of the year, he had developed a new record, to remain at the forefront of the World Classification for 302 weeks.

In 2013, Federer was shocked to all his fans, following his sudden exit from the Wimblton by the Sergey Stakhvsky, whose global arrangement was 116 at that time.

Federer suffered again on the field during the open American tournament, to get out in the fourth role by the Spanish player Tommy Robrego, who was defeated in three consecutive groups.

According to the United States Open-ended Championship, Federer stated that he had suffered during the game, and he seemed like his own confidence was tored by this loss, where he said he had "missed many opportunities" and that his performance was "not good" during the game.

Federer faced with Dekovich again, in the final tournament of individual men in Wimblton, but he lost in a five-group game and was unable to achieve his his eight win 

to raise the record he had already achieved, and then lost in half of the final of the American game open to Marin Silk, who had been entitled to win in that tournament.

The beginning of 2015 was not promising, it seemed like Federer was going to be a disappointing season following his loss to Italian player Andreas Sebi in

 the three rounds of the Australian Open Championship; but he quickly proved that he was still able to compete with the first-class players, by being defeated by the Dubai Champion in February.

Federer was planning his second win in the French open-ended tournament, but his endeavours were frustrated after his loss in the quarterters before his country's son Stan Vaverenka.

As for the United States Open Champion from that year, Federer faced the same fate, where his performance was privileged at the beginning of the winning of the Grand Slam for the 18th time, but he was unable 

to overcome Dukovich, who was the first world player in that period, where he was the first world player in that period, where he had been a fierce.

In early 2016, Federer lost the Australian tournament open to Novak Dukovic again, and the game ended with his hit in the knee and excexcexcluded him as a result of that injury.

He also did not reach the and Wimden final in 2016, as he was defeated at a five-group game by the player Milos Raonish, which was later the first Canadian man to reach the final major tournament, as an historic victory.

Later this Sport season, Federer suffered from problems in his back, forcing him to withdraw from the French open-ended tournament to avoid further his injury.

Federer spent six months until he recovered from his injury and returned to the field again, making a new victory by his defeating for Rafael Nadal in the Australian Open Championship, so he finally had won his 18 won in the Grand Championship, and after 

the game was done by his blackmailing, a nice thing he was doing so so he was so so so he said, "I would like to congratulate him." I'm happy for you. And I'd really be happy to lose you in front of you tonight."

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