Histology - Learn about the types of tissues in the human body

Histology - Learn about the types of tissues in the human body

 Defined. tissue science.

 In the 19th century, and today is being studied in many colleges, such as the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Science, and the various scientific colleges, and with the study of this science, scientists were able to reveal many complex puzzles, and this science was still a focus of scientists and scholars, and its fabulbulk, and it is a sphemy.

Definition of tissue science

He is one of the biological sciences that cares for the study of the microautoautomation of cells and tissues, all fabric containing a range of cells, different from other activities in the kind, depending on their functions for the life of the living organism, and these tissues can be photographed through modern photototechniques, such as.

 The microscope. 
Electronic, as well as the photographic, to analyse these tissues, structure and function, and diseases can also be diagnosed through the analysis of the living organism tissue.

I'm the word

The word Histology was formulated for the first time in a year. 1819 M, by Carl Meyer, a word derived from the Greek words Histos and means tissues, and the word "logos" means a study, but the origins of this flag have been started since the foot.

The history of tissue

  •  In the 17th century.Marcello Malbagi began to carry its experiences on the insects, and used the magnetic lens to see the exact details and to note the development of the Akakate embryo, so that many structures within the human body were called Malbagi.
  •  In the 19th century.Mary Francia - a doctor - - introduced the term tissue to the medical miracle, to express a disorder in a specific part of the member and not the entire member, and the word of tissue was more accurate in this case.
  •  Today.Coerciology has developed more than ever, and many complex studies are based on it.

Spotherhers in the human body

There are four types of tissue in the human body:

  •  The material tissue: They are the tissues surrounded by the body, and are a liner for most of the interior body cavities, which serve as a body fever, and their functions of the release, filting and absorption, and will find them with skin. The spy of the skin protects the body from dust, bacteria and other microbes that may be harmful to the body, and have several forms, may be thin and profound.
  •  Incomoment tissues: They are the most widespread tissue, and these are performing a variety of functions, including support and protection, and there are several types of strayer, namely, normal straw tissues, fat tissues, dendense, glidium, bone, blood and lemphy.
  •  Medile tissue: There are three types of muscle tissue, namely the structural muscle, the bad muscle and the heart muscle.
  •  Neurous tissues: It is a set of specialized cells, which sends signals from and from all parts of the body.

The importance of tissue science

Don't conceal the importance of tissue science for teachers and we can summarize some of the most important points around this science:

  •  The study of tissue is helping to diagnose the diseases, how they are treated, and even know whether or not the treatment has worked.
  •  tissue science helps for a lot of things in a... Anatology.And the functionality of organs, as a study of the geology and anatology need to understand the structure of the body and how the different parts of the body are linked and help to understand this, tissue science.
  •  tissue is helping to examine the microbes that cause inflammation for the body tissue by analysing these tissue after being removed from the body.
  •  tissues are as units to build the body of the organism, and tissue consists of a wide range of cells united together, to perform a specific function, and tissues meet together to form the organs, thus shaping the body.
  •  Coerciology helps to better understand and weaken the behaviour of the cell, and therefore the functions of the members can be better and more clearly understood.
  •  A better understanding of the development process; there are some organisms that do not have members but their entire bodies are composed of tissues, and a study of tissue science that help to comparthe bodies of these organisms with other organisms with members, and understand the development mechanism that has developed complex members that distinguish the organisms they contain from others.
  •  There are some diseases such as cancer, which are caused by excessive growth of tissues, and in this case, the intervention of tissue is answers to many questions about the development of the disease and how effective treatment is required.
  •  Copy is helping to know the exact details of human tissue, which help doctors know how different cells are organized to form tissue as the functional need for these tissue.

Published on July 04, 2021. The last update of November 03, 2022.

The tissue in the human body is composed of a range of cells, and when these tissues meet together together, they will be members, But what about the types of these tissues

What does the fabric mean

The term tissue is used to describe a set of cells that... It has a similar structure and works together to perform a particular job, and there is a Penny tissue outside the cell fills spaces, and this may be abundant 

in some tissues and a little in the other, and the tissue may contain special materials such as salts and fibres that are unique and that this fabric gives distinct characteristics, and there are four main of the tissue; and the texy of of the United Nations.

Spothers in the human body and functions
Although many types of cells are in the human body, as previously stated, they are classified into four main types following their

 characteristics and functions, so that each of these tissues is characterized by specific functions that contribute to public health and maintain that the human body remains in good condition, and the presence

 of a disorder in any of these tissues is a sign of a disease or a malfunction, and these changes can be detected through a study of tissue, and the phytytom of the teeth, and the maturity of the teetary.[4] The characteristics of these four types of tissue can be explained as follows:

The painting tissue
The painter or so-called the nail tissue consists of a class or a group of strates ranked above each other with a tight consisting of cells.

 Horival, cubic, or vertical form، It forms the cover of all the surface of the body, and the body cavities and dry organs, which is the main gland tissue.Student tissues have multiple functions, but they are primarily protecting the body, absorbing materials, excuse harmful materials, and

 the most important example of the paintpainting tissue, which is also the largest member of the human body is the skin, as it covers the human body fully and protects the tissues it occurs from bacteria, chemicals and other injuries, as well 

as the smaller intestinal, and the same cells are also absorbed, so that they are absorbed with the same cells of the tequiquid of the cells of the fly and the hormones that are. In the digestion.

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